Monday, March 17, 2008

either it was mentioned too often
or i'm just sick and tired of hearing it.

What's up with girls having to be all girly and dolled-up.
and what's the problem with guys and their tagless words.


first of all, we all grew up in church together.
not like its the first time you know me.
i am in fact, not the typical girlygirl,
nor do i think i'm a butch or boy.
whatever the hell is.
you can call me tomboy for all i care.
i dont bother.
but NEVER call me a boy.
and yea.
i am towards the masculine side.
so what.
do i have to CHANGE myself and become all
dainty,softspoken,vain and whiny
just so ppl can see.
come on.
wth is wrong with just being myself.
it seriously sucks when after all
ppl just expect that a girl =

so what if i like to have lean muscles.
so what if i love t-shirt&jeans.

get off my back already.


being masculine doesnt mean i want to be a boy.
if you really actually Know me.
appearance yes i'm more masculine.
but on the inside,
i'm still after all soft and sensitive.

i love my short hair.
but pple Including my parents cant
bloody accept it.
so FINE. i'm leaving my hair.
am i happy about it. No.
its BOOORRRRINNNGGG to have long hair.
wth. then i'll start looking like every other lady on the train.

i like watching soccer, i want to play it.
i want to take up boxing, i want lean muscles.
i love leather jackets and boxer shorts.
i like to play and enjoy myself regardless if at the end
of it all i'll be sticky,muddy,disgustingly dirty.
or getting my hands dirty in other terms.
so What. i can just bathe after that.
i dont mind having a go at repairing cars,automechanics.
i love cars. so What.

i hate the idea of a housewife, or
the babymaking machine. or frilly dresses.

i have a strong personality.
if you cant handle it, dont ask me to change.
Deal with it.

i dont mind or actually like to dress up during occasions
once in a blue moon, which makes it all the
more special and meaningful.
what's the point of dolling up all the time.
Sheesh. why do i need a skirt or dress even to prove
i can be feminine.
talk to me more and you'll see the other side of me.

yes i know that i do need to change.
but let time handle it alright.
i cant put myself to do it.
but i will try.
tanktop yes.
a start to being more feminine alr okay.
When i get my muscles and abs to show off that is.
the fats have to go First!

BEAnns Muzzled --> 2:00 AM.